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Catalogue Management
Especially for manufacturers or retailers with high number of SKUs, it is usually very difficult to constantly be on top of the portfolio mix of categories or SKUs in terms of actions such as where to invest, where to diversify or where to contradict. We develop reusable approaches for our clients that will pinpoint these actions. With the help of our approaches, retailers can identify prospective categories at the right time and bring new suppliers for the category to further catalyse growth or manufacturers can spot unforeseen situations in demand and act on actions to timely optimise supply chain.
Strategy Consulting
Campaign and Loyalty Management
With the widespread adoption of loyalty programs and e-commerce, retailers now possess substantial amount of information about their customers. We help our clients develop custom-tailored campaign offers for their customers. Our approach includes both rule based business scenarios and propensity models developed with machine learning methodologies. We also design the structure required to run the intended campaigns including processes and organisation.
Strategy Consulting
Machine Learning & AI Teams
Marketing ROI
We help marketeers make correct marketing investments by developing ROI models that predict the impact of prospective marketing activities. We use internal and external past data with custom tailored approaches and develop ROI model with machine learning methodologies. Our models have higher predictive power compared to tradition linear models, while being easy to implement and use.
Strategy Consulting
Machine Learning & AI Teams
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